I know what you're going through.
I had the basics down, but something just wasn't right.
But what if I told you that there was an easy way to fix your style problems forever?
That's what we're going over in today's article – 13 men's fashion hacks that will change your look forever.
Let's deal with this once and for all.
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Click Here To Watch The Video – 13 Life-Changing Fashion Hacks **Game Changers!**
- Using shirt stays
- Keeping a rigid collar
- Buying gray undershirts over white
- Wearing no-show socks
- The right hair product for your style
- Applying shave oil
- Rolling the sleeves like a boss
- Using cedar shoe trees to eliminate creases
- Upgrading to suit hangars
- Buying a slim wallet
- Leveraging the micro-adjustable belt
- Polishing Shoes the night Before
- Wearing Boots to gain 2 inches of height
Men's Fashion Hack 1. Use Shirt Stays
We've all been there. Every time you raise your arms, you gotta retuck your shirt. After the 5th time, it gets old.
Shirt stays (AKA Shirttail garters) are elastic bands that attach your dress shirt to your socks, keeping them in place throughout the day.

Shirt stays are incredibly handy for keeping your shirt tucked in.
For those of you in shorts, there are versions that wrap around your thigh that work just as well.
The best thing about them? They don't hurt your wallet. Shirt stays seldom exceed $40 for a pair.
Trust me, you'll notice the difference.
Men's Fashion Hack 2. Keep A Rigid Collar
Floppy collars SUCK.
You can be wearing a pristine suit alongside a pressed dress shirt, but a floppy collar throws the whole thing off.

A rigid dress shirt collar makes you look more professional. It makes you look like you give a damn.
How do you fix this? With collar stays. There are a few brands dedicated wholly to the production of these nifty accessories; Slick Collar and Million Dollar Collar are some of my favorites.
Most higher quality dress shirts come with stay pockets underneath the collar. Simple collar stays slip insider the collar to keep it straight.
You can take it up a notch by getting magnetic collar stays. These come with the standard metal stay, but an additional magnet to place on the inside of the shirt.
This small addition will yield HUGE results.
Men's Fashion Hack 3. Buy Gray V-Neck Undershirts
We usually default to white undershirts, but they're not as good as you think.
The contrast in a white undershirt against your skin makes it visible beneath lightly colored dress shirts.
The key is to find undershirts in colors more closely-resembling your skin tone. Gray is usually the safest bet, as it works for most guys regardless of complexion.
This will make it untraceable beneath the dress shirt, and draw more attention to the details that matter.
Men's Fashion Hack 4. Wear No-Show Socks
Long dress socks are the classic, safe go-to in menswear. When it comes to casual ensembles, however, it's worth having a little ankle action and trying no-show socks.
When are these especially appropriate? With men's loafers and shorts in the summer.
Wearing shoes that show off much of the foot look awkward with dress socks. They'll also feel much hotter in the summer.
You still don't want to go sock-less and subject have the sweat from your feet damage the shoes.
No-show socks are a perfect balance.
This is the perfect way to drive home that relaxed, country club aesthetic.
Men's Fashion Hack 5. Have The RIGHT Hair Product
Unless you shave your head, hair is in for the long haul. It only makes sense to keep it tame.
First, you need to be intimate with your mane – you need to know whether it's wavy, thin, or thick. Then, you can make an educated purchase.

Choose a hair product based on your preferred style.
There is a “right or wrong” when it comes to hair products. If your hair is naturally greasy for instance, you probably don't want to go for something with a high shine. Instead, you'd want to go for something like fiber or clay.
If your hair is naturally thin, going for a texturizing hair spray will breathe life into it while giving you room to play with a wide range of styles.
For a more casual matte finish, pastes and fibers are viable options.
You just need to know what to look for!
Men's Fashion Hack 6. Natural Shave Oil
A proper shaving routine is essential to avoid bumps, cuts, and redness.

The easiest way to avoid injury is to make sure the razor slides with ease.
The purpose of shave oil is to provide a friction-free film over your skin.
This is the step immediately preceding the application of shaving soap with a brush made from a variety of animal hairs. They range between hardier horsehair or boar brushes to softer variants made from badger fur.
The combination of the oil and soap will allow the blade to glide effortlessly over your skin.
End the shave by rinsing with cold water to close the pores and applying an aftershave balm to moisturize.
Men's Fashion Hack 7. Roll Your Sleeves Like A Pro
We all know how to roll up our sleeves the basic way.
But do you know the Master Roll?
You take the cuff of your sleeve and pull it all the way past your elbow. Following that, just roll the rest of the sleeve up and over the cuff.
This is best used when your shirt has a contrasting lining on the inside of the cuff. It adds a dash of color to your look.
Men's Fashion Hack 8. Use Cedar Shoe Trees To Eliminate Creases
With every pair of quality shoes, a wise man invests in cedar shoe trees.

If you spend money on the best shoes, it only makes sense to keep them that way – consider shoe trees.
Why? These tools help the shoe retain its shape. Without shoe trees, they would crease and start to resemble little elf boots.
In addition, the cedar absorbs any moisture the leather attained from the elements – including your foot funk. Real cedar also gives off a pleasant aroma, leaving it on your shoes whenever you put them on.
They are invaluable.
Men's Fashion Hack 9. Opt For Wooden Hangers
There is one reason you should use wooden hangers for your suits: durability.
Plastic hangers weaken and sag over time. When you consider how heavy a sports jacket or a suit is compared to a shirt, it gets worse.
Wooden hangers never sag, preserving the shape of your clothes in the process.
When the hanger loses its shape, it can stretch the fabric and permanently damage your best garments.
Make sure to choose hangers with broad shoulders for your suits. They'll help preserve the shape of your suits when you're not wearing them.
Wooden suit hangers are hardy – not only will they preserve your clothes, but they'll make your closet a bit more elegant.
Men's Fashion Hack 10. Get A Slim Wallet
Bulky and disorganized wallets are unattractive for a number of reasons.
Your wallet reflects on you in many ways. If you utilize them like your own personal dump, then you can forget the good first impressions.

An overstuffed wallet looks simply sloppy.
An elegant, slim wallet sends the opposite message. It lends to the idea that you're a clean-cut fellow who cuts through the bull; an essentialist.
Men's Fashion Hack 11. Leverage The Micro-Adjustable Belt
We're in the midst of a revolution. The traditional holed belt is obsolete. Sure, it achieves a base function – but you only have a limited number of holes. Worst still, those holes wear out.

This is the new generation of the belt, and it's here to stay.
The result is a raggedy belt.
Micro-adjustable belts like those from Anson are spaced a mere quarter-inch apart, allowing for more than 30 sizing options. There are no holes to damage, giving you a belt for life.
Men's Fashion Hack 12. Polish Shoes The Night Before
I've emphasized the need to pick an outfit for the next day, and shoes are part of that.
By shining your shoes the night before, you address any scuffs well before they could be a problem. It gives your shoes a nice shine to last well into the next day.
It also adds some structure to your day, and it's one less thing to worry about.
Here are some basic steps:
- ALWAYS remove the laces before shining. You don't want the polish getting on them.
- Use a dry brush or rag to clean off any dirt before polishing.
- Apply a leather conditioner to the shoe prior to moisturize.
- Choose a polish that is the same as your shoe color. If unsure, then opt for clear polish.
- Apply the cream polish with a horsehair brush. Cream polish serves to nourish the leather. Horsehair is stiff but just soft enough not to scratch the leather.
- Use beeswax turpentine polish in order to add some luster. THIS is what shines the shoe.
- Sprinkle some water on the shoe and buff using a horsehair brush.
You have nothing to lose with preparation.
Men's Fashion Hack 13. Need Extra Height? Wear Dress Boots
Dress boots give you a number of advantages. They come in a plethora of different styles, they are versatile, and they project authority.
Another benefit – and this is especially important for the modest men out there – is height. The thickness of a boot's sole means that you'll oftentimes be gifted with a whole 2 inches of height.
Boots level you up in several ways, height is just one.
Summary – Men's Fashion Hacks
The basics are essential, but they were just the beginning.
This is the extra 20% to take your look to new heights. Pay attention to what requires attention, and revolutionize your style…
One hack at a time.
This article is brought to you by Shoptagr – the smart shopping app that helps you stay organized and save money. It's free and easy to install on your computer and your phone.
The way it works is simple. Just browse all your favorite online stores and save products to your Shoptagr wishlist. You'll get notified whenever they go on sale, are about to sell out, or come back in stock. They also just released an awesome feature that automatically applies coupon codes at checkout. Click here to download Shoptagr free.
The post ALWAYS Look Your Best (13 Life-Changing Fashion Hacks) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.