Organizing Your Closet:
What I have found that is most important in organizing a closet when working with clients, is doing what makes the most sense to them and what they are most likely to maintain.
Check out my blog from March 15th about creating a capsule wardrobe to reduce your closet clutter.
Does it make sense to you to organize by color? Item? Season? Occasion? Professional and personal? Whatever makes sense to you is how you should organize your clothes. Within each group, you can organize further if you like, such as sleeveless, short sleeve, long sleeve,
Closet Organizing Tips
Here are some other organizing tips for your clothes:
Turn all of your hangers backward; when you wear something to flip it the right way. Release all clothes on backward hangers at the end of the season. Have lots of shoes? Put a picture of shoes on their containers so at a glance you know which shoes are in the container. Use twist ties to help you distinguish different colors such as navy, black & brown. I once had a client tell me that the previous professional organizer she hired showed up with one brown shoe and one black. She immediately lost confidence in her ability and didn’t hire her back. Use plastic, wooden hangers; they support better than wire Slim hangers can save a lot of space. I learned that huggable hangers are the biggest seller ever at QVC –the woman who did the miracle mop created this. While I am not a fan of maybes, if you are really struggling, Date & Box maybes. If you don’t wear during the season, donate at the end. Store clothes/shoes that you wear the most within easy reach Clothes need to breathe. Never store clothes plastic bags as they might become discolored. Making Your Clothes Last
Taking good care of your clothes can go a long way of saving you money and time. Don’t forget to read labels. Here are a few care instructions for common fabrics:
For Cotton: remove from dryer promptly to reduce wrinkling; Most Acrylic Knits retain shape best if reshaped & dried flat; Steam iron is best for linens; Silks should be Hand washed; and For Cotton Blends: Dry on permanent press/low cycle & remove immediately to reduce wrinkling. Use a Steam iron.
Here are a few tips for dealing with stains:
Dry clean: blot off excess & take cleaners ASAP Blood: Soak cold water, pretreat product w/ enzymes (Biz, Oxy) Chocolate: Pretreat warm water & product w/ enzymes Crayon: Scrape dull knife; place area b/w paper towels & warm iron—replace as crayon absorbed Grass: pretreat; hottest water for the fabric Ink: sponge with denatured alcohol Perspiration: Ammonia or white vinegar. Hottest water, enzyme pre-treatment Urine, Vomit, Mucous, Feces: enzyme pre-treatment & hottest water for the fabric Blot rather than rub to treat the stain Don’t wash pesticide soiled clothes with another laundry
Takeaways from today’s blog on Closet Organizing Tips: Simplifying your wardrobe can not only save you time and money but ensure you feel great in everything you wear; Organize your clothes how it makes the most sense to you (by color; occasion; item; season; personal or professional). Ask yourself what will be easiest for you to maintain. Learn how to best care for each clothes item and how to treat different stains. Some TLC can help your clothes last longer!
How will you organize your closet? What’s most important to you? What’s your biggest challenge in organizing your closets?
Go out clear the clutter to create the life you choose, deserve and desire!
DIY Options to Clear Clutter
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The post What Are Some Closet Organizing Tips & Clearing Clutter to Make My Life Easier? appeared first on Reawaken Your Brilliance.
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