Easy Keto Meal Plan

The post Easy Keto Meal Plan appeared first on Keto Summit.

One of the hardest parts of starting a Keto diet is trying to figure out what to eat. Don’t worry because I took care of that for you with this easy Keto meal plan. 

Whether you are brand new to Keto or have been Keto for a while and just need some new recipe ideas, this easy Keto meal plan is for you.

Even better, it’s fully customizable to suit your tastes as well as the foods you might already have in your pantry or refrigerator.

Just download the meal plan with the complete shopping list and check off the ingredients that you already have in your pantry or refrigerator. 

And don’t forget to keep reading to see the modifications that you can make to this easy Keto meal plan to suit your needs.

Customize This Easy Keto Meal Plan

My goal was to make an easy Keto meal plan that was delicious to as many people as possible. However, I know everyone has different tastes as well as food preferences and even certain food allergies that need to be accommodated.

So, here are a few tips to help you to customize this meal plan (as well as most any meal plan) to suit your tastes as well as foods you might already have in your refrigerator or pantry.

  • Frozen vegetables are a great substitute for fresh vegetables. Frozen vegetables are a great time-saver as well since they are precut as well.
  • Canned vegetables are an okay substitute for fresh vegetables but are not always ideal (except when a recipe calls for canned tomatoes). If possible, try to buy vegetables in BPA-free cans, especially canned tomatoes.

  • Grounds meats are typically interchangeable. You can usually use any ground meat that you have in your refrigerator or freezer in most recipes. However, ground chicken and ground turkey are not typically as flavorful as ground beef or ground pork. So, you might need to add a bit more seasoning to a recipe to give it more flavor.

  • Pork chops, steak, and bone-in chicken breast and thighs are typically interchangeable as well. Just be sure to pay attention to cooking times and cook according to the protein you used. 

  • Canned tuna, canned salmon, and even canned chicken are interchangeable in recipes. Just be sure to buy cans that are packed in water or olive oil and not unhealthy oils.

  • Chicken can be used as a substitute for fish in many recipes. However, you must increase the cooking time since it takes chicken longer to cook than fish.

  • Broccoli and cauliflower can often be interchanged in recipes. And don’t forget that frozen broccoli and cauliflower are great to use as well. 

  • Kale, chard, and spinach are usually interchangeable in recipes. However, if you are making kale chips, chard is a better substitute than spinach.

  • Most mushrooms are interchangeable with each other. However, zucchini and eggplant can be used as substitutes if you don’t care for mushrooms.
  • Avocados can often be omitted from recipes if you don’t have any. Some grocery stores carry frozen avocados, which can be used instead of fresh.

  • Season recipes according to your tastes. The measurements for herbs and spices are suggestions, but you should increase, decrease, or omit any entirely according to your preferences. 

  • If you do not think you’ll enjoy a recipe, just skip it and cook a different recipe. You can select another recipe from the easy Keto meal plan or from the hundreds of free Keto recipes from our website.

Create Your Own Easy Keto Meal Plan

Of course, you can always create your own easy Keto meal plan instead of using ours. And here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Use ingredients you already have in your refrigerator or pantry. There is absolutely no need to go to the store and purchase a lot of different ingredients. Just start by using what you have on hand already. And if you are unsure if something is Keto or not, you can use my Keto Food List as a guide.
  • Batch cook meals to eat throughout the week. We suggest that you spend a few hours one day a week to batch cook meals and freeze them to enjoy later. 

  • Find a couple of Keto slow cooker or Keto Instant Pot recipes to make so you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen cooking. Don’t forget to freeze the leftovers to enjoy later.

  • Casseroles are also great to cook once and enjoy as leftovers later. I usually enjoy leftover casseroles for lunch throughout the week.
  • Don’t forget to cook up a few easy Keto side dishes. Many side dishes can be cooked ahead of time as well to complete your meal.

Of course, you can always look through our hundreds of free Keto recipes to create your own easy Keto meal plan.

And if you want even more Keto meal plans, be sure to check out our Weekly Keto Meal Plans here.

The post Easy Keto Meal Plan appeared first on Keto Summit.

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