Grilled hispi, Turkish cauliflower and coconut kale: Yotam Ottolenghi’s brassica recipes

Put paid to ‘boring’ cabbage and get bold with your brassicas, starting with a nutty, spicy roast cauli, sweet cabbage in a limey Thai dressing and a Sri-Lankan style kale and chickpea coconut curry

September’s a month that always feels a bit like a new term, whether or not you’re packing the kids back to school. Memories of school carry, for many, the not-always-sweet smell of overcooked cabbage, but that can be easily set right. Cabbage is just one member of the brassica family whose leaves, flowers, stems and roots can all be eaten – think broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, hispi … The solution to that familiar school corridor smell is not to overcook it and to balance it with something creamy (such as yoghurt) or sweet (such as coconut). So there we go: the first lesson of the new term and, I hope, some delicious recipes to set everyone on their September way.

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