How I Meal Prepped This Week

Hiiii Happy Tuesday & welcome back to another post. I’m going to keep this one short & sweet with 2 crockpot recipes that are saving my life. I used to meal prep all the time in college when I first got into fitness, I’m talkin’ chicken, rice & broccoli. Lunch and dinner. Gross right?

But we’re better now. I stopped meal prepping for the time being, stopped restricting myself & I’ve got a good relationship with food & love being creative in the kitchen! I’ve recently gotten back into meal prep because we’re busier than ever.. I’m working full time, got this blog, got a wedding I’m planning (you can peep updates here), meanwhile Brian is in his 3rd year of medical school & in the middle of rotations so his schedule is all over the place. We’ve both been making workouts and nutrition a top priority since we met & right now to reach that nutrition goal, meal prep is the way to go!
I’m sharing 2 crockpot recipes I found on Pinterest that are helping us stay on track so we don’t have to second guess our meals or macros! I’m linking every recipe & letting you all know the nutrition info!

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Crockpot Turkey Chili

A couple things I did differently with this recipe:
– Used 2 cans of fire roasted tomatoes instead of plain diced
– Added a 15oz can of pinto beans
– Added an extra can of tomato paste (9oz total)
– Added 2 tsp smoked paprika
– Added a few extra shakes of cumin
– Added some Jiffy cornbread on the side!

Nutrition Info Without Cornbread
Mine made 7 servings
359 Calories | 50 carb | 6 fat | 28 protein


Crockpot Chicken & Stuffing

Okay okay. This isn’t the healthiest recipe but it’s SO GOOD. I changed the serving size from 4 to 6 on the website & actually made 7 servings out of it! Definitely opt for low fat sour cream to save your macros if you’re being strict, kind of wish I would have after figuring them out haha.

What I did differently:
– Used two boxes of stuffing (don’t do this if you don’t want the added cals!)
– Added half of a yellow onion diced & 2 stalks of celery chopped
– Didn’t add carrots

Nutrition Info
Mine made 7 servings
480 Calories | 45 carbs | 16 fat | 30 protein


After the meal is done cooking in the crockpot, I’ll just separate them equally in Tupperware & throw them in the fridge! Makes it easier for Brian & I to grab & go when we head to work in the morning & also makes it easier for us when we get home after a long day. That’s all I got, if you guys want to see how I eat day to day you can read my What I Eat In a Day post!


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