How Vitamin Tablets Help Boost Your Immune System Against Covid-19+

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vitamins help boost your immune system

Are you aware of the fact that  vitamins help boost your immune system against Covid-19? Vitamins are organic elements found in the foods we eat. However, many modern foods lack vitamins, so people need to take vitamin tablets to meet their daily recommended amount. Vitamins contain essential nutrients that the body needs to survive and thrive. Vitamin deficiencies can cause a wide array of health problems, such as scurvy, depression, eye problems, insomnia, and immunological issues.

Importance of Vitamins in Our Body

Vitamin/nutritional supplements are vital for our bodies. The standard North American diet is full of sugar, fat, sodium, and refined carbs. Unfortunately, most people do not consume a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in their diet.

Being deficient in antioxidants and critical vitamins and minerals will lead to serious health problems over time. The body will not function as intended if it does not have the necessary fuel to run optimally.

Taking dietary supplements may help prevent chronic illness and boost your overall mental and physical well-being. A poor diet may lead to nervous system disorders, poor vision, and mouth ulcers. Scurvy and hair loss may also result from a lack of Vitamin C.

As can be seen, dietary supplements can help those who do not follow a healthy diet obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to function. Even those who eat healthily and exercise regularly can benefit from vitamin supplements to optimize their mental and physical health.

Vitamins that help boost your Immune System

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for optimal eye health and many other basic functions of the body. A lack of vitamin A may cause night blindness. It may also cause the eyes to become cloudy and dry. Vitamin A is fat-soluble and can be found in broccoli, carrots, spinach, pumpkins, cod liver oil, eggs, milk, and certain types of cheese.

You can also take a vitamin A supplement daily, or you can take vitamin A as part of a complete multivitamin. Do not supplement vitamin A without first seeking medical devices as long term supplementation of vitamin A has been linked to cancer. Most Canadians get sufficient vitamin A from their diet.

Vitamin B12

The nervous system cannot function as designed without sufficient vitamin B12. Certain types of anemia may result from a vitamin B12 deficiency, as well as neurological disorders. Vitamin B12 is water-soluble.

In particular, Vegans may be prescribed vitamin B12 supplements, as vitamin B12 is commonly found in eggs, milk, meat, fish, poultry, and many dairy products. However, you can also ingest vitamin B12 by consuming certain fortified soy products, cereals, and nutritional yeast.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that contributes to proper bone formation, healing, and collagen formation.  It is is also a potent antioxidant that supports the immune system. It also helps in optimal iron absorption and strengthens blood vessels as well.

A lack of vitamin C may lead to scurvy. Scurvy causes tooth loss, bleeding gums, poor wound healing, and slow tissue growth. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C. However, cooking vegetables will destroy their vitamin C, so vegetables are best consumed raw.

You can also take a daily vitamin C supplement to obtain the daily recommended vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is required to mineralize bones. A lack of vitamin D may lead to bone softening and rickets. The sun’s UVB rays are a potent source of vitamin D. Mushrooms, beef liver, eggs, and certain types of fish are also rich in VItamin D.

Many people who live in cold countries suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Your doctor may recommend that you take a daily vitamin D supplement with 1000 IU in either a pill or spray form.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is needed for blood to clot properly. A lack of vitamin K may lead to bleeding diathesis or increased susceptibility to bleeding or bruising.

Parsley, pumpkins, leafy greens, natto, and figs are good sources of vitamin K. You can also take a vitamin K supplement.

Who should take vitamin supplements?

Older adults should take vitamins, as they are more susceptible to cognitive and physiological impairments and disorders. Breastfeeding and pregnant women should also take vitamins, as they are essentially eating for two (or more).

Vegetarians and vegans may also want to take vitamin supplements, as they may lack essential nutrients and minerals due to their restrictive diets. Children should also take multivitamins, as their growing and developing bodies will need many essential minerals and vitamins to mature and thrive. People who are malnourished will also need to take vitamins, as their lives may depend on it in some cases.

Vitamins and Covid-19

New studies have found that vitamin supplements, such as those containing vitamin D and C, can help boost immunological function. The improved immune system functionality may help people ward off certain infectious respiratory diseases and viruses, such as the Coronavirus.

In addition to vitamins D and C, omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, and zinc have also boost immune function. However, only taking vitamins and eating healthy will not provide comprehensive protection against the Coronavirus.

You will still need to wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash your hands with soap and water to reduce your risk of contracting or transmitting the virus.

Vita-Boost Your Health

In today’s hectic world, it can be hard to find the time to eat right. A daily multivitamin supplement can help provide the essential nutrients for those with an active lifestyle.

Vitamin deficiencies can lead to many severe cognitive and physiological health problems, including insomnia, hair loss, scurvy, anemia, depression, anxiety, memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, a weak immune system, and Covid-19.

The bottom line? Doesn’t it make sense, if vitamins help boost your immune system, to take daily supplements to help keep you healthy in this time pf pandemic?  The healthier you are, the more likely you are to avoid illness. Don’t you think it’s worth giving a try to vitamin supplements?


About the Author

Erin Gregory is a blogger in Toronto. She is currently working as a Community Manager for several small businesses. She has graduated with honors from the University of British Columbia with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.

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