Menu Plan Monday ~ June 28/21 Weekly Dinner Inspiration

Welcome to Menu Plan Monday!

Menu Plan Monday for the week of June 28/21 ~ Weekly Dinner Inspiration to help you get dinner on the table each night at I'm an Organizing Junkie blog

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Hi friends! Well something very unusual is going down in northern Alberta Canada where I live. We are under a heat warning and this is definitely out of the norm for us. Our temperatures will “feel like” over 40 degrees Celcius (104 F) for the next few days. Our homes don’t have air conditioning here because we rarely get into the 30’s never mind the 40’s. So we’ll be eating a lot of freezies and using the slow cooker and BBQ for every meal. Yesterday we went for a four hour drive to the city just to be in the air conditioned car. That felt good! Plus I have air conditioned seats as well so it was very lovely :). If you’ve got any hacks for me for staying cool in extreme temps, please let me know.

northern Alberta Canada heat warning

Also thank you to everyone that wished me happy birthday. I still can’t believe I’m 50!! I’ll share some birthday pictures in my June catching up post that will be going out this week.

Here’s what we’ll be eating for dinner this week.

My Weekly Menu Plan:

Monday: Grilled steaks (in this yummy steak marinade) served with baked potatoes and corn on the cob

Tuesday: Slow Cooker Healthy Sloppy Joes served on buns and with salad

Wednesday: Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken Drumsticks served with coleslaw

Thursday: Leftover buffet

Friday: Pizza Party Friday Night with bread machine pizza dough and for me Shrimp & Broccoli Omelet

Saturday: Slow Cooker Honey Lime Salsa Verde Pork

Sunday: YOYO (you’re on your own!)

Have a wonderful week everyone!!


Guidelines and recipe helpers are here.

More awesome recipes on my Pinterest boards here.

Don’t forget to join our growing Menu Plan Monday Facebook Page!!

Favorite menu planning resources:

Plan to Eat ~ helps you organize your own menu planning (affiliate link):

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

Eat at Home ~ they do the menu planning done for you (affiliate link):

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