Renny’s Recipes: Meatball and Sweet Potato Sheet Pan Meal

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Hey everyone! I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween! It was a very busy week for us last week, which made it difficult to post. This year our little one was more into Halloween. We let her choose her costume, and she decorated her own pumpkin. We went to two Trunk Or Treats where she got very good at saying, "Trick or Treat!" and "Thank you!" and also, very good at asking us for candy.
Proudly standing next to the pumpkin she decorated. Why yes, she is holding a Santa straw.
I've never really been into Halloween, but it is a lot more fun when you have a little kid who gets excited to paint her "pumpin" and be "a bu'erfly for Ha'oween!" She was a super cute butterfly as well!
This last Saturday we also participated in a Walk to End Alzheimer's. Both PH and I have been personally affected by this terrible illness. I watched my grandmother deteriorate for years and years (and there were many years before my time as well). PH's father passed away this last May due to complications from Alzheimer's. This walk was really important to us. Our little one loved holding her purple flowers! If you want to donate to the cause, here is a link.
Don't worry, the Coke isn't for her, it was PH's. He bought it because it was his dad's favorite. He found one with his brother's name, so it was like he was there in spirit.
 Anyway, with all of these goings on, finding time to make dinner can be really difficult. Additionally, with the greater influx of candy and treats at this time of year, finding time to make a HEALTHY meal is so important! This is why I love sheet pan meals! We have shared with you other sheet pan meals in the past. Sheet pan meals are really the most convenient way to pack in the most in a small amount of time.

I think sheet pan meals call for less clean up as well. One pan, throw all the ingredients on. Season on the pan. Way less mess!

Well, this sheet pan meal is even more convenient because I cheated. Remember that whole lack of time thing? Well, nearly everything on this sheet pan was prepackaged. My daughter loves meatballs so I had bought a bag of them. I also found this bag of pre-sliced sweet potatoes. We had a big frozen bag of "California" veggies. (I don't really know why they're called that, but whatever). The only thing I had to chop up was the onion.

I love the variety of vegetables you can toss onto a sheet pan so you end up with a very colorful meal! Plus, vegetables taste better roasted or grilled. Drizzle everything in olive oil. Sprinkle on some salt, pepper, rosemary, and sage and pop it in the oven!

You can't go wrong! We gobbled down this tasty sweet potato and meatball sheet pan meal, and I know your family will love it too!

Sweet Potato and Meatball Sheet Pan Meal


1/4 bag Caulipower Sweet PotaTOASTs
2 servings frozen meatballs
2 servings frozen vegetables of your choice (I used broccoli, cauliflower, and carrot)
1/4 purple onion, chopped
1 TBSP Olive Oil
(Use these seasonings at your own discretion)


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Spread meatballs, sweet potatoes, and vegetables over pan.
3. Drizzle with olive oil
4. Season with all the seasonings distributed evenly.
​5. Bake for 15 minutes.

​Voila! Your sweet potato and meatball sheet pan meal is ready to eat!

These are a few of my favorite things:

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