Weekend Recipes 7/16/2021

After a much longer than anticipated hiatus from baking and cooking for the blog, I am excited that this weekend I am planning to make no less than 5 (yes, 5!!) recipes. All of which are Barefoot Contessa recipes.

Today I am going to make one of the two cookie recipes that I’ve been eyeing for sometime. I plan to use the duck eggs that I talked about in an earlier post. I’m really excited to work with them!

This weekend, I am planning to make the following recipes. They will be posted on the blog over the next two weeks.

Baking Recipes

  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies (Parties! page 236)
  • Raisin Pecan Oatmeal Cookies (Back to Basics page 214)

I plan to bring these into work on Monday…although I’ll probably have to freeze the PB ones since my family may eat them all!!

Cooking Recipes

This weekend, my friend and I are going to make dinner together. Since I am more of the “chef” between the two of us, he left the menu up to me. After searching and deciding, I settled on the following menu. It utilizes fresh vegetables that are just coming into season in my part of the country. I can’t wait to experience all the wonderful flavor of in-season veggies.

  • Chicken with Goat Cheese & Basil (At Home page 114)
  • Broccoli Rabe with Garlic (At Home page 149)
  • Summer Garden Pasta (At Home page 121)

Since I will be working from the recipes and lugging some of the ingredients from my house to his, I really wanted to keep to only one of Ina’s cookbooks for the meal. This, of course, restricted my options a bit. But, luckily for me, Ina includes menus in many of her cookbooks. Once I settled on the main course, I just turned to the back of the book and looked for her recommendations. I found a menu that listed the chicken recipe and decided to make the Summer Garden Pasta as well. I wanted an additional vegetable, so I turned to the regular Vegetable chapter for ideas. And that’s how the menu was born!

You may be asking yourself: But Ryan, what about dessert? You’re like the KING of sweets.

Well, thanks for the moniker, but I am far from it. However, I didn’t forget about dessert. I plan to just bring over a few cookies for us. Both recipes make about 3 dozen each! Cookies will be everywhere.

Until next time…

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