What To Eat This Week: 6/5/22.

We’re grilling and enjoying all the summer produce this week.

Salads I love, a light soup and taco bowls are in the lineup.

What’s on your menu this week?!

What To Eat This Week

Kick things off with these delicious grilled romaine salads! We ADORE these. I can make this a meal itself, but you want more, you can always throw some chicken on the grill too.

Next up – the easiest parmesan chickpea soup. I know it’s not soup season but this isn’t heavy. It’s light and filling and simple and fast.

Fish taco bowls for the win! Love a bowl where you can add your favorites.

Our favorite grilled steak fajitas. We make these all the time. Huge hit!

Broccoli cheddar risotto is up next. This is one dish I can never get enough of.

Try these blueberry grilled chicken salads for the weekend! The vinaigrette is amazing.

My summer chicken salad is up for lunch. I wait all year for it.

And breakfast is an oldie but goodie: shaved egg avocado toast.

The post What To Eat This Week: 6/5/22. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.

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