What Your Diet May Be Missing

deficient diet

Is Your Diet Deficient?

With the invention of pre-packaged foods, we as consumers gained convenience – but we may have also lost essential nutrients that the body needs in order to stay healthy. As a result, we might notice unwanted side effects such as weight gain, digestive disturbances and high blood pressure.

If you haven’t been feeling like you are running on all cylinders but you still want to keep the time-saving benefits of convenience foods in your kitchen, there are a few easy ways that you can help your body fill in the gaps without spending hours a week on preparation.

Vitamin B

The group of vitamins in the ‘B’ category cover a variety of essential elements such as thiamine (or B1), B5 (pantothenic acid) and biotin (also known as B7). If you don’t consume enough of this group, you can develop serious health issues such as pernicious anemia, depression and thyroid disorders.

To remedy this potential deficiency, you should incorporate more leafy greens, fresh eggs and nuts into your diet. Make it painless by tossing spinach into your omelet or natural almond butter into your morning smoothie.

Of course, a wide spectrum supplement will also do the trick. Just be sure that you are using a quality product that is free from artificial colors and flavors. Consuming a “junk” vitamin will both waste your money and possibly cause an adverse reaction if its origins are not safe.

Good Bacteria

Although suggesting that you should be getting certain types of bacteria – something that we have always been told to avoid – in your food may sound strange, the truth is that not all bacteria is harmful. In fact, some of it is absolutely essential to your well-being. Known as probiotics, these live cultures help your digestion to function and even improve your immune system.

You can find the “good” bacteria in common foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut and other fermented edibles. If you want to get an extra boost – or you have an aversion to the foods listed – you can also get a reliable dose of bacteria from over the counter products.

Finding a trustworthy retailer for an Advanced Restorative Probiotic discount is your best bet for getting a good quality product at a great price. Once you have taken a probiotic like this regularly, you will be amazed at how much lighter and vibrant you feel.


Young or old, we all need to have strong bones, and it is a well-known fact that calcium is the building block of the human skeletal system. But did you also know that calcium provides you with support for the cardiovascular and nervous systems? A body deficient in this mineral is at risk for heart disease, osteoporosis and anxiety.

Supplements are recommended for anyone with a history of brittle bones, and especially for women of child-bearing age and older. You can also get calcium from plenty of beloved foods like dairy (ice cream and cheese!) and even broccoli. This makes it easier to get your fill of this very important nutrient. Who can say no to a bowl of homemade ice cream or cheesy broccoli with dinner?

Fish Oils

Many Western diets are lacking in seafood, and it shows in the health statistics of these regions. Heart disease rears its ugly head here again, as most of us rely on saturated and trans fats from land animals in order to feel sated with our meals. The effects of this habit can be nearly reversed with the healing properties of eating oily fish like anchovies and salmon.

If seafood isn’t your idea of a tasty dish, pure fish oil supplements are plentiful in today’s market and are typically very reasonably priced.  It can be as simple as one capsule a day to get the benefits that you need – and there are even products that are manufactured to be completely free of fishy taste and odor. With so many options available, there is really no good reason to avoid fish oil!

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