World Vegan Day 2019 – Top Ten Best Vegan Recipes 2019

World Vegan Day on November 1st celebrates the benefits of veganism for humans, animals and the environment through various activities and events annually. Here is a list of my favourite vegan recipes this year, maybe they will inspire you as well.

Once more it is World Vegan Day, a food “holiday” that I was newly introduced to last year. To be fair I live in a rural area and All Saints’ Day is a national holiday where I live so I have not obliviously passed a World Vegan Day Rally with an information stand and other features. I am aware of it now and even though I am not vegan or vegetarian I certainly try to be more conscious about the amount of animal products I consume. Consuming a plant-based diet has many benefits so I try my hands at vegan cooking as often as I can or try to make a vegan/vegetarian variation of dishes that usually contain animal products. Sometimes some simple swaps will be enough to cut out animal products on some days a week. Doing something and cutting down on animal products is better than doing nothing at all.

Here are my favourite vegan dishes in no particular order that I have made this year, and some honourable mentions, which easily can be made vegan with a few simple changes.

Vegan Recipes

Pisto – A Spanish Ratatouille

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Garbanzo Spinach Bowl

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Beef and Broccoli Noodles Vegan Style

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Vegan Mushroom Burger

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Avocado Lentil Salad

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Strawberry Lemonade Sorbet

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Pak-Choi Veggie Stir-Fried Noodles

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Piri Piri Aubergine Burger

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Veggie Wrap

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Spicy Western One Pot Rice

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Honourable Mentions

Ratatouille Stuffed Aubergine Boats

Replace the mozzarella with vegan cheese or omit it altogether to make this dish vegan.

Find this recipe here

Thai-Style Red Spicy Curry

Replace the meat with more garbanzo beans. You could also add seitan or tofu, although I have not tested this.

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Sorting Hat Sandwich Cookies

Use vegan butter or margarine (I do this often) and omit the egg. The dough might be a little more crumbly but it is not a big difference.

Find the recipe here

Holiday Sweet Buns

Replace the milk with any dairy free variety you like and use vegan butter or margarine instead of butter. There is no huge difference in flavour or texture that I have noticed.

Find this recipe here

Further Reading

World Vegan Day – Some of my Favourite Vegan Dishes and Treats

I guess that is quite the variety of recipes that has accumulated over the past year. It was actually more than I had anticipated myself, which I am very pleased with. Hopefully this collection of vegan recipes will keep growing over the next year and maybe include some more baked goods. Even vegans need cake, right? What are some of your favourite vegan dishes? I would love to know and maybe even try them. Have a wonderful day!

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