News — Thehomeedit
During the standard Aprils of our former lives, spring cleaning was at the bottom of our to-do lists
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Sometimes it got done, but it took the utmost will power and a rainy Saturday to finally get around to it. But in 2020? It’s about the best entertainment we can get after we finish binging Tiger King. Once you get your rugs vacuumed and your bathroom floors scrubbed, there’s one big spring-cleaning task to-do left. It’s the task of tasks, the peak of the tidiness mountain: purging your closet. In my opinion, it’s about the worst chore there is to do. It’s time-consuming, requires quite a bit of effort, and there’s no way to cut any corners—but the reward...
This is our new normal…but it won’t last forever
Homeorganization Quarantine Stayhome Thehomeedit THETips

At some point, we’ll all come out on the other side this, very traumatized, but with really organized homes (and also kids who refuse to ever attend real school again). Originally, we created this Mini-Edit because we needed something to do. Well, other than panicking. It also helps that organizing is a way to feel more secure and calm in our own homes, and that’s all we can control right now. So why don’t we all do another 14 days of mini-edits and see where it goes? Day 15: Declutter Your Documents Are you really in the mood for paper...