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DIY: An Old-Fashioned Clothes-Drying Rack
ClothesDryingRacks DIYProjects Laundry LaundryRacks Uncategorized

A good number of us on the Remodelista team are followers of Hitchfoot Farm on Instagram: First Fan and Margot caught on, then me, and we all quickly became captivated by Bess Piergrossi’s moody vignettes in her rough-hewn Maine farmhouse that look like they’re out of times past. When Bess told us she was working on a DIY laundry rack inspired by deVol’s Laundry Maid (our all-time favorite) and made completely by hand, we wanted all the details. And she sent back a step-by-step how-to—complete with characteristically charming, old-fashioned scenes of hand-stretching rope by the hearth, singeing rope ends in...
Surprisingly Good-Looking Household Basics from Zara Home
DomesticScience Laundry LaundryRacks ProductDiscoveries Uncategorized

This just in: dependable, good-looking utilitarian wares from an unexpected source: Zara Home. The clothing-turned-housewares company now offers design-worthy versions of the most basic of the basic (clothespins, metal clips) in pleasing packaging; take a look. Above: Select finds from the bath collection. Above: Old-fashioned Wooden Clothespins are made from acacia wood and come in a cotton bag; $17.90 for a pack of 20. Above: A good-looking hamper: The Round Fabric Lined Laundry Basket ($89.90) has a removable and washable cotton and linen lining. Above: A versatile Folding Wooden Clothes Horse ($179) is made of acacia wood and cotton (“covered...
Image by _caas via Creative Common

s. “Hipness,” Robin James tells us, “is a practice grounded, both historically and structurally, in racism.” Worse yet: “discourses of taste and hipness produce individual bodies as white, and maintain Whiteness as a socio-political norm.” There are of course national particularities to hipsterdom—as anyone who remembers skinny pants once being derided as “European” knows well—but they do not trump the cross-pollinating transnational, transatlantic practices of casual race-building that underlay hipstory (yeah, I went there). A hep-ster, a hip-ster, a black and tan scenester, but then again, not always: if the suffix -ster denotes belonging of some sort, then this connotes...
Surprisingly Good-Looking Household Basics from Zara Home
Budget DomesticScience LaundryBaskets LaundryRacks Uncategorized

This just in: dependable, good-looking utilitarian wares from an unexpected source: Zara Home. The clothing-turned-housewares company now offers design-worthy versions of the most basic of the basic (clothespins, metal clips) in pleasing packaging; take a look. Above: Select finds from the bath collection. Above: Old-fashioned Wooden Clothespins are made from acacia wood and come in a cotton bag; $17.90 for a pack of 20. Above: A good-looking hamper: The Round Fabric Lined Laundry Basket ($89.90) has a removable and washable cotton and linen lining. Above: A versatile Folding Wooden Clothes Horse ($179) is made of acacia wood and cotton (“covered...
5 Tips for Storing Your Out-of-Season Clothing
ClosetOrganization ClosetOrganizers ClothingStorage PersonalOrganizing Uncategorized

For months now, our coat closet has been working overtime corralling all of my family’s winter jackets, boots, and various cold-weather accessories—and, truth be told, not doing a very good job of it. (Casualties of our overtaxed coat closet include one recently bought ski glove that my son swears is in there…somewhere.) So now that spring is here, I am beyond ready to lighten its load and put away our bulky outerwear and winter gear—and maybe find that glove. But storing seasonal clothing isn’t as simple as tossing everything in a cardboard box and putting it in the attic. In...