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ArcticECO 5-Pack Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifying Bag 200g | 100% Natural Odor Eliminator and Eco Friendly Moisture Absorber | Car, Closet, Room, Locker, Gym Bag DeodorizerArcticECO 5-Pack Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifying Bag 200g | 100% Natural Odor Eliminator and Eco Friendly Moisture Absorber | Car, Closet, Room, Locker, Gym Bag Deodorizer - Simple, effective, safe, and environmentally sensitive. One bag for up to 90 square feet and it can be reused for up to 2 years just place the bag outside in the sun for one hour each month to reactivate the charcoal. Trap excess moisture this little bag helps...