What’s Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 36

We're back ... again ! Did you miss me ?! After our trip around Belgium, we got back home, settled back in, then decided to make a last minute trip back to the UK to catch up with my family. It cost a fortune (top whack prices for the Eurostar, as it's August, plus they're only running one train per day) plus train tickets from Dunkerque to Lille and from London to Hastings), then the silly prices for the COVID tests (we're all double vaccinated, even the kids, and we got free ones two days before leaving France, but still needed to pay for non-NHS ones for two days after we arrived in England - about £60-80 per person, which is a bit of a killer, as we all knew they'd be negative - ah well !). Well, we're now back home and getting ready to go back to school on Wednesday (me) and Thursday/Friday (the kids).


lunch- tacos with salad, guacamole, cheese, tomatoes, etc

dinner - Pineapple pork chops with red peppers, onions and broccoli, served with rice (one from our last menu plan that never got made)


lunch- last restaurant meal out as a family before we go back to school

dinner- Pulled chicken in BBQ sauce with broccoli and mash


lunch- I'll be eating at school - the kids can have leftovers

dinner- cottage pie


lunch - I'll be at school - fridge grazing for the kids (there should be leftovers)

dinner- smoked paprika chicken with rice and broccoli/carrots/peas


lunch- I'll probably be at school again (I won't know until I get my timetable on Wednesday) so the kids have free reign of the kitchen

dinner - spaghetti carbonara


lunch- omelettes for those who like them, leftovers for the others

dinner- Sophie's bagels (chicken or bacon/egg with Philadelphia & salad/tomatoes) with wedges (she assures me they're lovely and it sounds like she's cooking - even better !)


lunch- roast dinner (we have gravy granules and apple sauce again - woohoo !)

dinner- toast or sandwich for anyone who's hungry

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***


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